A Reading List: Summer 2010

With the months ahead looking uneventful, it's probably the best time to do some reading.. texts that I enjoy and will read by choice, for once!

1. The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky
An incredible story, everyone should read it, my favourite of all time.

2. Where Did It All Go Right? By Andrew Collins
It’s the first and last second hand book I will ever buy. While I hate to touch the yellowy pages, the first few chapters were a good read so I’d like to finish it.

3. The Good Man Jesus & The Scoundrel Christ by Philip Pullman
A birthday present from a wise man – I trust his choice in literature, even if I do think Pullman’s an idiot.

4. The Longest Crawl by Ian Marchant
I bought a copy a while back when the wonderful Ian was my lecturer. I miss his jokes so I’m hoping there’s a few of his killer lines hidden in there somewhere..

5. Pieces: A Collection of New Voices ed. By Stephen Chbosky
The newest addition to my bookcase that I’m looking forward to reading, Chbosky’s a young genius when it comes to writing.

I also intend to finish reading the graphic novel V for Vendetta by Moore & Lloyd, a Christmas present that was unfortunately neglected for a dull semester of feminism and modern dramatists. Boo…


Reviews and updates to follow!